Down South Jukin’ – The Last Rebels
Published 7/16/2023

The Last Rebels – Tribute Band
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I’ve been wanting to feature some tribute bands, and local bands on this website for awhile. I can’t think of a better place to start than with the Last Rebels, a Lynyrd Skynyrd Tribute Band, and a live version of Down South Jukin’. Mostly because there is a nostalgic component here, but I’ll get into that in just a bit.
The band contains eight individuals who do their best to reproduce the music of the original Lynyrd Skynyrd band, and help keep the music alive.
Guitar: Michele Zanichelli
Guitar: Emanuele Giovanelli
Bass: Michele Sidoli
Drums: Stefano Rampino
Keyboards: Cristian Pascelupo
Backing Vocals: Alice Viani and Arianna Larini (le honkette)

Lynyrd Skynyrd are simply the greatest Southern Rock band in history. A journey through the first Albums of the band, from ’73 to the tragic event of ’77 which deprived us of the extraordinary genius that was Ronnie Van Zant. “If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me” he said … and we always will! …and be a simple man! – From the Last Rebels Website

Down South Jukin’ – Last Rebels Italian Tribute Band
Ronnie Van Zant Memorial Park Memories
For some time now I’ve been wanting to use my platform here on to promote local musicians and bands, as well as tribute bands. A lot of times we see in our Youtube feeds that Southern Rock Tribute Bands are active all over the US. And, indeed, around the world.
The reason I took so quickly to this band from italy is because it reminded of when we opened the Ronnie Van Zant memorial Park in 1996.
Along with other festivities thoughout the day, we put on a free concert featuring several different bands. The show included my band at the time, Timepiece. This band featured myself on drums and vocals, Barry Rapp (Henry Paul Band and co-writer of Grey Ghost) on keyboards and vocals, Tim Lindsey (Rossington Band and currently with Molly Hatchet) on bass, and Randall Hall (Allen Collins Band and Lynyrd Skynyrd) on guitar.
One of the bands that performed that day was a Lynyrd Skynyrd tribute band from Italy. I don’t remember the name of the band, but I do remember we had a great time hanging out with them that day.
A couple things struck me, and stuck with me, about these guys. They found out about the park’s grand opening, probably from the Freebird Foundation website at the time, and contacted us to see if they could come over and be a part of it. We were more than happy to have them there. But they flew all the way to Jacksonville, Forida to be a part of the celebration… at their own expense!
The second I vividly remember about them was that not a single one of the band members spoke a word of english! They had learned all the words to the songs, in english. A few of the words and pronunciations sounded a little strange to us, but damn… that is some dedication.
Support The Last Rebels Tribute Band
Be sure to visit their website. If you are using Chrome browser you will be able to translate the entire website from Italian. If you’re using Firefox you may need to install a plugin. I’m not sure about iOS and Safari.
They also have a Facebook page, and they are on Instagram. You can see more of their live videos on Youtube.
Take a little time to visit The Last Rebels online and share some love from around the world. And be sure to let them know you heard them on

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