Tuesday’s Gone – Blackberry Smoke and The Wild Feathers August 2021

Custom Shareable link – https://sknrd.us/LNWYC
Blackberry Smoke has been out on the road a bunch in 2021. No doubt making up for time lost to Covid and it’s resultant restrictions in 2020. And all of us fans are glad to have them, and all of our other favorite bands back on the road, on the stage, and delivering us the live music we love to experience.
A lot of their dates this year have been on the festival circuit, so the concert bill consists of lots of different bands. But they’ve also done a lot of headline shows, with different support acts (openers). On the show in this video from August 21 in Alpharetta, GA, they shared the stage with The Wild Feathers. For the encore at the end of Blackberry Smoke’s set they brought their friends back out to the stage, and performed the Lynyrd Skynyrd classic, Tuesday’s Gone.

BBS has been playing Tuesday’s gone for quite a long time, so there are several versions of it on Youtube. Performed by just the band, and together with a few other bands. Most of these types of videos are shot by fans in the crowd at the show, and the quality is usually sub-par. But I have to give proper credit for the video in this post. It was posted by Memnoch’s Broken Record. And for just a phone held up during the show, I’m assuming that’s what it is, it’s not too bad. Be sure to check out the Youtube channel.
 They actually do a lot of cool covers, And they are always great songs that they know their fans will love. (One of my favorites is their cover of Fairies Wear Boots.)
Tell us what you think about Blackberry Smoke. Been to one of their shows recently? Bought one of their albums or listend to thier music lately? Let me know in the comments section below.
Blackberry Smoke released their latest album, You Hear Georgia, on May 28, 2021. Be sure to support them by picking up a copy.