What’s The Music – Swiffer Wild Child
Updated 7/18/2023

Swiffer Commercial With Cat
Sometimes there’s a product that you’d never think would have a cool music track. Swiffer sweeper product is one of those. And especially with a silly white cat that’s supposed to be a wild child, or wild thing, or something. Cats… ugh.
A few years ago Swiffer home cleaning products had a popular commercial with a crazy cat running amok around the house after it’s owner left. And the music fit the action on the screen very well.
Whenever I hear a commercial on TV that has a cool music bed, I always want to find out who it is. I had definitely never heard this one before, and it rocks pretty hard. So I started searching the internet to find out what it was.
Check out the commercial and see what you think.
Swiffer Wild Child Commercial

Swiffer Products On Amazon
The song in the commercial is Axegrinder by Shot. It was released in 2009 and there’s not a whole lot on them out there. At least nothing else I saw was really worth bothering with. But I like this song.
There’s a live video of the band performing Axegrinder, but it’s pretty bad. Here’s the studio track that the commercial sountrack was taken from.

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